Harriman and LCCW under investigation for corruption

5 Oct 24 - Latrobe City Council Watch (LCCW) have a plan to effectively install a fourth tier of government in a form of oligarchy.
In our previous post on Carleen Haylock and the Gippsland People's Council, we know that their objective is to setup a tier of government to graft rate revenue from our community. We believed, at the time, that they would setup alongside Latrobe City Council. What we now know is that this plan is far more despicable.
Our research has uncovered that the GPC, under the auspice of the LCCW, have or are planning to:
  • Publish crazy ads in local media to spread widespread discontent. Offer the solution as being LCCW endorsed candidates.
  • Groom and engage candidates sympathetic to the common law cause.
  • Achieve a majority voting block in the council chamber.
  • Sack the current CEO and employ someone more sympathetic. Someone that is happy to hand over control of council operations to the LCCW.
At this point, the LCCW plan is implemented and ready for operation.
What follows is mayhem. LCCW become the authorising environment. Nothing gets moved through Council unless a graft is paid, and it aligns with the LCCW agenda. All the time, treading carefully to avoid Council being forced into administration and the LCCW losing control. As much as it may make your stomach turn, you must admit that it is a clever plan.
The controlling oligarchy is emerging.
LCCW has full page ads lined up for publishing in every edition of the Latrobe Valley Express for the term of the election period. LCCW are also implicated in a bot farm campaign to discredit candidates not aligned with the LCCW. This kind of advertising and promotion doesn't come cheap. So where is the money coming from?
We know influential people hide in the shadows of LCCW.
Richard Elkington is a member of LCCW, setup Damian Andrews as President, and is providing at the very least, in-kind support via his board position on Alinta sponsored Gippsland FM. He gives Andrews airtime and supports his crazy stunts - like being CEO of Alinta sponsored Gippsland FM. As a previous Chairman of Gippsland Water, Regional Development Australia (Gippsland) and OAM recipient, Elkington on face value seems highly respected. He and Rod Lavin, through his role in the Freemason Foundation, have access to significant funding streams. Lavin is forthcoming in publicly providing his support for LCCW candidates, including Harriman and Ferguson.
John Wasiukiewicz, father of Andrews, treasurer of LCCW and sponsorship manager for Alinta sponsored Gippsland FM controls the books and ensures funds are there when needed.
Anthony Wasiukiewicz, brother of Andrews, is a rising commentator at LCCW.
And this is where Harriman comes in. Harriman leads the push in executing the LCCW plan. His words fill the crazy ads in the Latrobe Valley Express. His rhetoric stirs up division and discontent. He openly discredits the Council he was a member of. Andrews doesn't have the mental stability to keep it together. They need someone like Harriman to take control of the message. Eager to please, Harriman is already starting on step 4 of the plan, calling for the current Latrobe City Council CEO to be sacked.
Harriman, through his business development role at Stable Engineering, is working to secure lucrative contracts with Defence, but more surprisingly, the Southern Offshore Wind Zone Programme. Harriman loves a bet both ways - on one hand greasing the wheels to win wind farm construction contracts whilst damning renewables (and particularly wind farms) to harvest votes. He is the perfect LCCW evangelist - happy to play both sides for the prospect of significant personal gain.
And that is why LCCW is dangerous. Crazy people with extreme right-wing views, spraying common law rhetoric, all looking for personal gain can only lead to a bad place for all of us. Our investigations continues.
A site for researchers and investigators.  Brought to you by Valley Oversights.
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