Fourth tier of government in session

Looking down the barrel of the camera, Harriman in the last Council meeting signaled that the fourth tier of government was now in session. He and his fellow members jiggled with joy. They could see that they were close to pulling off the graft of all time. Pay to get access to the five Gippsland People's Council councillors and guarantee that your application will pass through the chamber. Or don't pay, and take your chances.

Watch the video of the last council meeting and you'll see that the new Gippsland People's Council councillors are heavily scripted and rehearsed (although some clearly not rehearsed enough). Pay particular notice to:

  • Dale Harriman - First job is to get his boss, John Buhagiar's, land holding rezoned for residential development. We predict that this deal alone will produce a significant windfall for Harriman.
  • Sharon Gibson - Sharing Gippsland People's Council propaganda on Elkington controlled Gippsland FM and through Durkin at the Latrobe Valley Express. The perfect channels for normalising their beliefs and their behaviour.
  • Joanne Campbell - Resident of Geelong, infrequent visitor to Latrobe City and closely connected to the other members of the Gippsland Peoples Council through the Traralgon Chamber of Commerce.
  • Adele Pugsley - Confused and seeking reassurance from Harriman and Gibson. Taking her cue from Gibson was bizarre in declaring "it's not traditional for the Deputy Mayor to have a speech and not all candidates [Gibson] would have a speech prepared". The Pug is shaping up to play interference for Gibson.
  • David Barnes - back to the bad parts of the 80's with sexist comments like "I'd like to nominate you too darl". The respect for public office is completely lost on Barnes.

Harriman has no time for minding the newbies when there is money to be made. That job has been passed down to Damian Andrews, leader of the rebranded Gippsland Peoples Council, now called Latrobe City Council Watch. Funded by Elkington and Lavin, Andrews has some vague idea of dodging the law. With a string of failed companies wound up by the ATO and ASIC in the courts, Andrews has plenty of experience to draw from.

You may recall a few weeks back, we made the prediction that the Gippsland People's Council (rebranded as Latrobe City Council Watch) were looking to establish a fourth tier of government, by installing their own members into councillor positions. The last step of the plan is to install Andrews as CEO of Latrobe City Council. Firing a warning shot, Guss Lambden, Gippsland People's Council associate and a failed election candidate, called for Andrews to be CEO in an opinion piece published in the Latrobe Valley Express. The Gippsland Peoples Council again look for mainstream channels to normalise their propaganda. More on Andrew's brushes with the law in a future post.

Every cloud does have a silver lining. We have stronger local government legislation to catch illegal activity earlier. We have more people than ever joining Valley Oversights as citizen investigators. Ferguson was also ousted by a community that had had enough of "poor me" and broken promises - most notable being her promise "not to stand". There is a deep sentiment in our community that we have all had enough of graft and corruption.


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